Friday 1 November 2013

personal updates

yeah!!!!!! I am free from exam finally   -  God , i feel like crying .....:"(

Anyways~ though i haven't receive my overall result for my end of year examination but i aim to have get a B3 for at least my maths and English. 
In order, to obtain  my EMB3 to get a feel of how i may fair on N levels . 

I think it is super important since it is already my end of year for secondary three and the start of  next year as secondary four might not be all unicorns and rainbows.

- The moral of the story is REALITY SUCK... you have my condolences, couple in the picture .....

well, best of luck and wishes for my examination .

My ultimate goal for N level is to fulfill the requirement for the PFP courses . so i can proceed to foundation polytechnic course and get successfully enter poly without wasting one more year in secondary 5 

To avoid , better yet more stress and EXAMINATIONS!!and we are not there yet ........drum-rolls.......


so , yeah it is going to be a tough journey up ahead but if others can why cant i :)

Now for a intimate information ....


so my cup size is .......

HELL, no !

 Although we are not going talk about my cup size but we are going to talk about my siblings  .( yay for you :P)

They are recently being a pain in the ass or should i say pain in the  the ears :Q They are quarreling , shouting , screaming , fighting at each other constantly . 

 -they are not my actual siblings but you'll get the picture ...:L

I meant constantly !!

Now , i think i begin to seriously doubt the saying that kids are just like "angels".

Its more like nightmare from the pits of annoying hell ... 

That may be the fact but they are still unfortunately my siblings . And i will  continue to protect , love ( sometimes...maybe...:P just kidding ..i think :P) and  tease them  ...That is what older sister should do plus its my primary entertainment  . WINK**:P )  

-Katherine with hugs:)